
Before I came here, I lived in Taipei for forty years. And I found Hualien a good place to relax myself from the hectic and crowded life in the city. Leave all the projects and worries behind would be the best travelling tip on this beautiful place. It has been a year since I reached here from Taipei, and I am still amazed by how many excitements there are in Hualien. I would like to share some of my experiences and recommendations.


As the proverb goes, early bird gets the worm. If you are one, join me for a ride on the Cinshan Bicycle Path(round trip 8km) and Chuyin Bicycle Path (round trip 6km). I, Arthur guarantee the cool air there will refresh you. Get on the professional bikes prepared by Arthur just for you! You will then ride into the greenery mountains, hectares of Oryza farmlands and mother nature herself. I have once ridden with my friend Richard who obtained two master degrees overseas. He said to me that the scenes reminded him about New Zealand, just without the sheep. He came with his family and stayed for two days. He himself likes cycling very much, and he said it was the most memorable moment the morning I rode with him.

您是早起的鳥兒嗎!如果是,那您一定要跟我騎一趟親山線自行車步道(來回約8公里 ) & 初英線自行車步道(來回約6公里 )。 Arthur保證那清新的空氣,肯定讓您整個人甦醒起來。騎上Arthur為您準備的專業自行車,花蓮的山光水色隨即映入眼簾,沿途鳥語花香、遍地翠綠稻田、青山即在近左.....友人Richard我帶他騎過一段,這位在國外拿了2個碩士學位的國中同學說:這趟經驗讓他彷彿置身於紐西蘭,祇差不見成群牛羊。那次他們全家來住兩夜,Richard說:也許是他也喜歡騎自行車的緣故吧,他認為陪他騎車的那個清晨,最令他難以忘懷。

In fact, I understand Richard since I start my day with this incredible ride everyday. The birds will always sing around 5 am, as if they have a biological block within them. Waken by these lovely creatures, I will then wake up and do some warm ups. Then I will get on my bicycle to embrace the time that God has given me.


It is no longer important how far you can ride. In the unique natural environment Hualian has, distances is definitely not the question. Indeed it is one’s endurance and will fighting against the sun that is put to test. Usually I will ride for an hour in the morning which can reach 20 km

能騎多遠!我想那已經不重要了。在自然環境得天獨厚的花蓮,距離真的不是問題,要考量的反而是體力 & 防曬力。通常我早上會騎一個小時,約20公里。

“If you find yourself capable to handle the Cinshan Bicycle Path and Chuyin Bicycle Path mentioned above, there is also two sections of Linying Road (round trip 6km) with spectacle views not far from the end of Chuyin Path, which total reaches 20km.” I can do so without feeling the heat. Then I will take a bath, enjoy the lovely breakfast prepared by my wife and face the challenges of the day energetically.

【上述的親山線自行車步道(來回約8公里 )&初英線自行車步道(來回約6公里 ),如果您游刃有餘,那在初英線的終點還有兩段美到不行的林蔭道(來回約6公里 ),共計約20公里 】回到家中還不覺得曬。然後沖個澡,用過老婆的愛心早餐後,即活力充沛的迎向一天的挑戰。

Really a great morning experience, highly recommended


Chuying Trail is the most fascinating part of the whole bike lanes.

Nanhua village bald Pine Forest > Chuyin bicycle path > Chuyin Riverbank Ecology Park > Ji’an along rivers and eco-trails
南華村落羽松樹林 >初英自行車道 >初英親水生態公園 >吉安水圳生態步道 



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