Zuochang Trail is a relaxing scenic trail around 4 km away from Errantry Lodge. It’s located in Sapo Dang Shandong foothills and is the Central Mountain Range even peak offshoot. Viewing from Errantry Lodge’s window, the overlapping peaks look like it’s ready to reach out the arms embracing the whole “Pik Yun village”.


Walk on Zuochang Trail again, is because my good friend Lan Zhengfeng, a teacher from Tzu Chi Secondary School, (often do observation records of Hualien butterflies with students here, detail: http://blog.yam.com/lanjenfong) went up the mountain again. 2 days before his trip, when I know about his task, I immediately joined him. In my 2 years here in Hualien, I’ve never truly understood her beauty. This time with an expert, I certainly can have a chance to know more.

這次再走佐昌步道,是好友慈濟中學的 藍振峰老師(常常帶同學在此做花蓮蝶類的觀察記錄,詳http://blog.yam.com/lanjenfong )要再上山的緣故。前2天知道 藍 老師又要出任務嘍,趕緊向他報名。畢竟來花蓮2年了,僅外行人看熱鬧的獨自走了幾回,不曾真正瞭解過她的美,這次有內行人帶領,肯定有機會看門道滴~

The best time to go up mountain is definitely the early morning. The cool fresh air is filled with the fragrance and essences of different kinds of plants. All mountain lovers would agree that in the early morning, going up mountains, having a hiking, is a perfect thing.


The trail is easy-to-walk route wiuth broad and gentle path. I have been here a couple of times before. Unlike the northern suburb which Arthur has been visiting since childhood, there are not many walkers on this trail. You will find along the trail an observation post and the pavilion with very fine views. The entire Hualien can be seen clearly from up there. Toward the north, you may see Chisingtan Beach and Hualien Airport; towards the south, you can see Huadong longitudinal valley, it is absolutely the perfect spot to study Hualien geographically.


Hualien is located by the coast so people can easily see the sun climbs out of the sea. The golden sunlight of the early morning is shred all over the trail as we walk through. Hiking in early morning, birds in the mountain playing all kinds of songs, Taiwan rhesus monkey jumping the leaps, Mr Lan and students constantly calculating the elegant butterflies, these are simply reveling.


With a length of 3.95km, it takes around 3 hours for a round trip on the trail with causal hiking. Since the “butterfly experts” are on a mission so they probably go as far as 1K in 3hours. Therefore Theresa and I who are basically seeking a causal hiking have to leave them.


Guofu bridge, around 2km from Errantry Lodge. Zuochang trail is here in the mountains.
 距怡然居2公里處的國福橋頭  佐昌步道就藏在這中央山脈中

Huge Guofu community indicator

View from Guofu bridge to Errantry Lodge – Tzu Chi campus

View from Guofu bridge to Errantry Lodge – Tzu Chi campus

Can spend an afternoon on this large areas of grassland.

3.6km away from Errantry Lodge, at the trail entrance, former Taini mining road. In 1955 stop mining and this mining area had been abandoned. It is the cement left.
 距怡然居3.6公里處的步道入口    步道原係台泥採礦道路,民國84年停採後任其荒廢,此為礦區遺留下的水泥建物

A group of Taiwan rhesus monkey just look for food in the grove, but today they are too shy, only one is willing to come out.

Crooked track

Look afar Pacific Ocean

Look afar Huatung Valley

View of another angle of Pacific Ocean

Errantry Lodge is located in Tzu Chi.

Errantry Lodge is located in Tzu Chi.

Hualien City Dexing Athletics Field, the north is the Tzu Chi Hospital and Tzu Chi Abode.


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