

Secrets hid on parchment (Thanks Yi-Jia Mama for the handmade map.)

羊皮卷の秘密  ( 感恩羿家媽媽提供的手繪地圖 )

21st November 2009 Errantry Lodge’s Secret Garden, Shui Yuan Di, 3.5km from Errantry Lodge
2009.11.21 怡然居の秘密花園~水源地~距怡然居3.5公里 

16th November 2009 Errantry Lodge’s Location, Pik Yun Village & Stadium
2009.11.16 怡然居の所在~碧雲莊&體育場 

6th November 2009 Errantry Lodge’s Secret Garden, Tzu Chi Institute of Technology, 300m from Errantry Lodge
2009.11.06 怡然居の秘密花園~慈濟技術學院~距怡然居300公尺

25th July 2008 Errantry Lodge’s Secret Garden, Zuochang Trail, 4km from Errantry Lodge
2008.07.25 怡然居の秘密花園~佐昌步道~距怡然居4公里 

18th March 2008 Errantry Lodge’s Secret Garden, Tzu Chi College and Primary School, 300m from Errantry Lodge
2008.03.18 然居の秘密花園~慈濟中小學~距怡然居300公尺

11th July 2008 Errantry Lodge’s Secret Garden, Cinshan Bicycle Path, 200m from Errantry Lodge
2007.07.11 怡然居の秘密花園-親山線自行車道~距怡然居200公尺


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